¡Hola amigo!  

Spanish lessons

Are you planning to live in Costa Rica?
If your answer it's yes. Keep reading!

About the course

Stop asking for the English menu!

Learn Spanish and immerse yourself in our culture and you would love to speak like a real ‘Tico’.

One of the first things you'll notice about Costa Rica is how beautiful the natural habitat is. But if you stay long enough,you will also discover how friendly local people are.
That's why learning Spanish in Costa Rica is easier than in other countries because locals are always willing to have a  linguistic interaction.
To learn Spanish in Costa Rica means to live it, and to do this one must immerse oneself in the culture. 

If you are looking for the full Pura Vida experience. You MUST speak Spanish. Our language is based on idioms and slang phrases; believe me, you do not want to miss it. Our sense of humor is the best. I promise you that we will have a great time during class.

My programs

Learning a language requires effort and dedication. I will help you create a solid routine and effective study habits. 

The Spanish lessons online focus on improving the four essential skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). My Spanish courses emphasize SPEAKING, as this is the key to communication.

 All the lessons are dynamic and designed to feel a strong understanding of the language from the first class. The lessons are designed to be interactive with space for every student to participate in class within small groups.


Every question and doubt is addressed right away.

I have a 24/7  available platform where you can easily download the material, allowing you to practice as much as you want.

I love teaching Spanish using games and dynamic material!

Homework is included.

Spanish is a great language, and you deserve to learn it.

Spanish lessons

4 meses
Horas al mes:
14 horas
máximo 6 personas
Plataforma virual 24/7
Matrícula y libros incluidos dentro de la mensualidad
Let´s start!

‍‍About me

I have been Nomad since 2010. I have been traveling around the world, and I lived in countries like USA., the Netherlands, and recently Canada.

Those life experiences were great because I spoke the language. It allowed me to interact with locals and I did not miss anything. I am from Costa Rica, and Spanish is my first language. I speak English as a second language and also Dutch (basic).

I did my 4 weeks intensive CELTA course in Halifax, Canada. I achieved a Bachelor's Degree in English – Focus on translation and TEFL certification in teaching.

I have been teaching language since 2016. I am passionate about language because it is the key to understanding different cultures and how locals think.


You can participate in an exchange language group with Spanish native speakers. 

Hábito Academy is creating an exchange group with native speakers (those who speak English as their first or second language) and Ticos ( Costa Ricans).The idea is to organize games and dynamic activities to practice your Spanish but also to interact with locals. This is an exchange language group.

What is a language exchange group?

An exchange of language skills between two people. You find a partner who speaks your target language fluently, and who is learning your native language. The two of you agree to help each other.

Let´s start!

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